We support your talent management strategy and help employees achieve career success by delivering coaching programmes to support their successful re-integration back into the workplace after long-term absence.
Rejoining the workforce after an extended absence can be daunting. Supporting your employees through this key transition phase can make a measurable difference to their engagement, productivity and wellbeing.
Achieve Better Gender Balance
Support employees through key transition phases in their career
Retain Top Talent
Support Working Moms in the workplace
Inspire Coaching
Clifford Chance, a UK law firm who offers maternity coaching, reported an increase in retention in the 2 years since coaching was introduced compared to the previous 6 years. They also reported a decrease in the number of maternity returners exiting the company within the first 12 months, with a reduction from 22% to 10%. In a 12-24 month period, it reduced from 8% to 1%-Clifford Chance
In a survey conducted by www.recruitireland.com 63% of working mothers claimed they were apprehensive about returning to work and 22% reported being devastated. Having returned to work, 62% said their stress levels where higher than before they had the baby- recruitireland.com
1. Managing your Career, Motherhood and YOU!

This programme is aimed at women who are about to, or have gone through the life-changing event of becoming a mother.
Leaving work to go on maternity leave is exciting and, in essence, a countdown to one of the most exciting days of a mother’s life. For some, it is ‘getting out of work’ and not having to ‘worry’ about work for a period of time. For others, it is thinking about how they can leave their role and team in a good place and then pick it up on their return.
When working mothers return to the workplace they can experience self-doubt, question their identify and feel overwhelmed with pressures of balancing home and work life.
Managing your Career, Motherhood and You is a bespoke programme which focuses on supporting women through the transition out of the workplace, preparing them for their return as a working mum and redefining their career path. While these are the main areas of focus for the programme, it is a bespoke programme and other areas will be considered for each individual.
Leaving work to go on maternity leave is exciting and, in essence, a countdown to one of the most exciting days of a mother’s life. For some, it is ‘getting out of work’ and not having to ‘worry’ about work for a period of time. For others, it is thinking about how they can leave their role and team in a good place and then pick it up on their return.
When working mothers return to the workplace they can experience self-doubt, question their identify and feel overwhelmed with pressures of balancing home and work life.
Managing your Career, Motherhood and You is a bespoke programme which focuses on supporting women through the transition out of the workplace, preparing them for their return as a working mum and redefining their career path. While these are the main areas of focus for the programme, it is a bespoke programme and other areas will be considered for each individual.
Benefits for the organisation
Investing in your key assets, your people, supports you in retaining your top talent and aligns with gender diversity and employer branding.
- Reduce risk of “brain drain” of female talent
- Support employees in transition – now and longer term
- Facilitate a faster return to productivity
- Increased staff loyalty
- Attract high-achieving women and parents
- Reduce loss of training
- Reduce loss of skills and knowledge
Benefits for the Employee
Investing in coaching can positively impact on an employee’s feeling of self-worth within the organisation. Employees are more likely to remain in an organisation when they feel valued and prepared for career progression. Coaching can also help them:
- Unearth and tap into inner potential and creativity
- Co-ordinate career and personal life
- Increase their ability to cope and welcome change
- Improve self-confidence
- Remove performance fears and anxieties
- Learn to manage stress
- Improve work life harmony
Companies I work with:

Geraldine recently delivered an invaluable bespoke 'Transition Workshop' at eBay. She used a variety of coaching techniques to prepare the participants for their return to the workplace after a leave period. These techniques addressed a number of crucial areas to the employees such as confidence-building, work-life harmony, extinguishing self-limiting beliefs and managing stress. From an employer's perspective, Geraldine facilitates a smooth transition back to work as well as an increased feeling of organisational value within the employee. Geraldine's knowledge and expertise in this area are outstanding.

Coach people leader at eBay
I recently returned to work following maternity leave and I did a number of coaching sessions with Geraldine to help with this transition. I would highly recommend Geraldine, she is an incredibly personable coach and this allowed us to have very open and honest conversations. Geraldine uses simple techniques and tools to help drive clarity on your own strengths and weaknesses, supporting confidence building and allowing you to gain clarity on your value, which in turn supports in understanding your career path.

Implementation Manager at Microsoft
Programme Outline
Duration: Five 1:1 coaching sessions over three stages
Stage 1: Setting you and your team up for success – 1 coaching session
Stage 2: Finding your identity as a working mum – 1 coaching session
Stage 3: Planning your return to work & your career roadmap – 3 coaching sessions with email support between sessions.
Stage 2: Finding your identity as a working mum – 1 coaching session
Stage 3: Planning your return to work & your career roadmap – 3 coaching sessions with email support between sessions.
One of the key aspects of the maternity coaching programme is that the employee brings their agenda to the sessions. It is important that as a coach, I meet them where they are at in their maternity journey and we work through the challenges they are facing at that point in time.
Regardless of the point of entry into the programme, each employee will have an initial call with the coach to discuss the programme and to find out what they can expect during the sessions. The employee will need to complete a questionnaire prior to commencing the maternity coaching programme.
Regardless of the point of entry into the programme, each employee will have an initial call with the coach to discuss the programme and to find out what they can expect during the sessions. The employee will need to complete a questionnaire prior to commencing the maternity coaching programme.
Stage 1: Prior to maternity leave (typically 6-8 weeks before Maternity Leave):
The employee will bring their agenda to the sessions, however some of the topics of focus may be:
- How to set you and your team up for success (while you are on mat leave)
- Anticipating Identity change
- Understanding your brand and keeping your brand alive
- Touchpoints with the company (how do you keep up to date with changes in the organisation)
The next session is scheduled at the end of this session.
Stage 2: During maternity leave (typically 6-8 weeks prior to returning to work):
The employee will bring their agenda to the sessions, however some of the topics of focus may be:
- Planning your return to work
- Re-integrating your new identity with your career
- Values and Beliefs
- Transferrable skills
Stage 3: Once returned to the workplace (typically 3-6 weeks after maternity leave):
The employee will bring their agenda to the sessions, however some of the topics of focus may be:
- Re-integration into work successfully as a new working mum & career focus
- Confidence
- Work life harmony
- Managing stress
2. Returning to Work

This programme is aimed at those who have been out of the workforce for a period of time and focuses on supporting them through the transition back into the workplace.
This can be a very stressful time as emotions can run high with the pressure of hitting the ground running and being able to add value again within the organisation.
Returning to Work is a bespoke programme which focuses on supporting employees through the transition and re-integration back into the workplace with a focus on re-assessing their career paths. While this is the main focus for the programme, it will be tailored to meet the employees needs.
Benefits for the organisation
Investing in your key assets, your people, supports you in retaining your top talent and aligns with gender diversity and employer branding.
- Retain key talent, reduce risk of “brain drain”
- Support employees in transition – now and longer term
- Facilitate a faster return to productivity
- Increased staff loyalty
- Reduce loss of training
- Reduce lost of skills and knowledge
Benefits for the Employee
Investing in coaching can positively impact on an employee’s feeling of self-worth within the organisation. Employees are more likely to remain in an organisation when they feel valued and prepared for career progression. Coaching can also help them:
- Unearth and tap into inner potential and creativity
- Co-ordinate career and personal life
- Increase their ability to cope and welcome change
- Improve self-confidence
- Remove performance fears and anxieties
- Learn to manage stress
- Improve work life harmony
Programme Outline
Duration: Four 1:1 coaching sessions over two stages
Stage 1: Building confidence & team integration planning -1 coaching session
Stage 2: Strategies for Success – 3 coaching sessions
Stage 2: Strategies for Success – 3 coaching sessions
One of the key aspects of the returning to work coaching programme is that the employee brings their agenda to the session. It is important that as a coach, I meet them where they are at in their journey and we work through the challenges they are facing at that point in time.
Regardless of the point of entry into the programme, each employee will have an initial call with the coach to discuss the programme and to find out what they can expect during the sessions. The employee will need to complete a questionnaire prior to commencing the return to work coaching programme.
Regardless of the point of entry into the programme, each employee will have an initial call with the coach to discuss the programme and to find out what they can expect during the sessions. The employee will need to complete a questionnaire prior to commencing the return to work coaching programme.
Stage 1: Prior to returning to work (typically 3-6 weeks prior to returning):
The employee will bring their own agenda to the sessions, however some of the topics of focus may be:
- Plan your return to work
- Re-establishing professional identity
- Values and Beliefs
Stage 2: Re-integrated into the work environment (typically 3-6 weeks after returning):
The employee will bring their own agenda to the sessions, however some of the topics of focus may be:
- Re-integrate with work and team(s) successfully
- Career focus
- Confidence